18 Settembre 2024

See for yourself! Factory 236: Antonio Corral Calero’s exclusive & fascinating salon

If you need inspiration for your salon, channel it from Factory 236, the lounge of the prestigious international stylist Antonio Corral Calero that recently opened in Barcelona – take a look through all of the images!

Just seeing the entrance, it is evident that it is a very special place. It is an intimate space, safe from prying eyes, allowing a true escape from the outside world and allows clients an authentic experience of relaxation and beauty.

It is a spacious lounge with a specific area for each of the services (wash units, dressers, manicure, etc.) while features unique design pieces throughout the location. The elegance is all in the details, and Factory 236 is full of them!

Factory 236 is much more than a hairdressing salon. Within its walls you will find extraordinary products and fantastic professionals, and meanwhile enjoy art exhibitions and fashion on national and international levels.



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