18 Settembre 2024

Hair Fashion by Anthony Mascolo

Over time, Anthony Mascolo, the Creative Director of TIGI, has succeeded in establishing his own creative signature while remaining fashion forward.

A key point of reference not only within the TIGI International Creative Team, but also on the panorama of international hairdressing. Anthony Mascolo is one of the most representative figures in the history of hairdressing, thanks to a vast opus that is both coherent and farsighted.

What distinguishes his creations is a research oriented toward the exaltation of sensuality, notwithstanding the gender. A key of interpretation that is never excessive, yet capable of granting warmth to all his looks. A leitmotif that has succeeded in renewing itself and adapting to changing times.

Sensuality combined with dynamism. This is the unmistakable signature of Mascolo’s work, which plays on texture, volumes, and surprising effects to build his own language of coiffure.



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