18 Settembre 2024

Sebastian Professional’s What’s Next Awards

What's Next Awards

So what will be next for Jake Thompson of Salt Lake City's Lunatic Fringe Salon after haing made the cut – literally and figuratively – as the second semi-finalist in Sebastian Professional's What's Next Awards?

Well, for starters, Thompson will be one of eight semi-finalists competing for the grand prize of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the Sebastian Professional styling team as a guest stylist at Fall 2011 New York Fashion Week. To get this far he had to demonstrate creativity in fearless hair fashion, and now he will be called upon to let out all the stops in attaining his visual thrills with Sebastian Professional products.

Jake is the second semi-finalist to be chosen, so that means judges will be on the lookout for six more through January 2011. So what are you waiting for? Head to www.whatsnextawards.com to enter your sculpted coiff for your chance at fame and glory, including a free trip to NYC to work with the Sebastian team as a guest stylist at Fall 2011 New York Fashion Week.



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